강원특별자치도 정보의 모든 포털 - 강원닷컴

황대헌, 중국 팬들의 테러에 노출된 후 불안감 호소

작성자 강원닷컴 강만금 시민기자
댓글 0건 조회 221회 작성일 23-12-13 06:02
애니토니웹투어 오픈
Lindshaojune (27, also known as Hyojoon Im) and Hwang Daehun (24, from Gangwon Province) will resume their hunt for a gold medal after their match was canceled.

On the 12th, the KB Financial Group Cup - International Skating Union (ISU) Short Track World Cup 2023~2024 National Representative Media Day was held at the Ice Rink Press Center in Seouls Mokdong. On that day, Coach Ahn Jung-hyun revealed that Hwang Daehun had recently been threatened by local fans in China.

The third round of the Short Track World Cup took place in Beijing, China from the 8th to the 10th. On the second day of the competition, Hwang Daehun was disqualified after receiving a corner-blocking penalty in the mens 500m first race qualifying round. The problem arose after Hwang Daehun returned to his hotel. Chinese fans reportedly went to the hotel room where Hwang Daehun was staying and mocked him, mentioning his connection to Lindshaojune (Korean name: Hyojoon Im).

Coach Ahn Jung-hyun explained the situation in detail. He stated, "There was an unfortunate incident after the race. Chinese fans were waiting for Hwang Daehun at the hotel. Hwang Daehun felt uncomfortable while waiting for the elevator, so he let a few elevators pass. However, when he finally got on the elevator, he faced ridicule from the fans during the ascent."

Feeling unease due to the crossing of boundaries, Hwang Daehun expressed his anxiety, and the Korea Skating Union lodged a protest with the Chinese side. They stationed security personnel in the 16th-floor corridor where Hwang Daehun was staying. Coach Ahn Jung-hyun stated, "We took follow-up measures by protesting to the ISU. Despite having security personnel with him for the remaining duration of the competition, Hwang Daehun must have been psychologically affected and anxious."

Coach Ahn Jung-hyun described the Chinese fans crossing of boundaries as terrorism. He emphasized, "This should not happen. In the competition venue...

강원닷컴 강만금 시민기자

기사 작성일23-12-13 06:02

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