강원특별자치도의 모든 정보포탈 - 강원닷컴

한국 남자 쇼트트랙, 박지원이 은메달 2개 수확

작성자 강원닷컴 최형석 시민기자
댓글 0건 조회 1,351회 작성일 23-12-11 00:16
애니토니웹투어 오픈
한국 남자 쇼트트랙 간판 박지원이 은메달 두 개를 수확했다. 한국에서 열릴 다음 월드컵에 기대감이 쏠린다.

박지원은 10일 중국 베이징에서 열린 2023~2024 국제빙상경기연맹 쇼트트랙 월드컵 3차 대회 남자 1000m 결승에서 1분23초708로 2위에 올랐다. 장성우는 1분23초775로 3위로 경기를 마쳤다.

박지원과 장성우는 행운을 만끽했다. 윌리엄 단지누(캐나다)가 결승선을 가장 먼저 통과했지만 옌스 판트 바우트와 충돌하여 반칙을 저질러 실격 처리되었다. 이에 박지원과 장성우는 류사오앙(중국)에 이어 2위와 3위를 차지했다.

바주투(SEOULSHI) Park Ji-won, who is a representative of the Korean male short track team, won two silver medals. Expectations are rising for the next World Cup, which will be held in Korea.

On the 10th, in Beijing, China, Park Ji-won competed in the mens 1000m final at the 2023-2024 International Skating Union (ISU) Short Track World Cup 3rd competition. He finished second with a time of 1 minute 23.708 seconds. Jang Sung-woo (Korea University) finished third with a time of 1 minute 23.775 seconds.

Park Ji-won and Jang Sung-woo were fortunate. Although William Danginu (Canada) crossed the finish line first, he was disqualified for fouling with Yens Pant Bout. As a result, Park Ji-won and Jang Sung-woo took second and third place after Liu Saoang (China, 1 minute 23.696 seconds).

Lady Luck also smiled upon Korea in the relay. Park Ji-won, Jang Sung-woo, Kim Gun-woo (Sports Toto), and Seo I-ra (Hwaseong City Hall) won a silver medal in the mens 5000m relay final with a time of 6 minutes 56.717 seconds. They were initially the first team to cross the finish line, but China, who was in second place, fell and Netherlands, who was in third place, overtook them. Canada won the gold medal with a time of 6 minutes 55.964 seconds, and Korea won the silver medal in this event following the first competition.

Kim Gil-li (Seongnam City Hall), who perfectly filled the vacancy left by Choi Min-jeong (Seongnam City Hall), who is taking a break this season, lowered her head in the 1000m final. In the womens 1000m final, she initially took the lead but fell behind after a physical battle and finished fourth with a time of 1 minute 30.975 seconds. Lee So-yeon (Sports Toto) also finished fifth with a time of 1 minute 31.051 seconds.

Kristen Santos-Griswold (USA) won the gold medal with a time of 1 minute 30.249 seconds in the womens 500m race, following her victory in the first round. The silver medal went to Corinne Stoddard (USA) with a time of 1 minute 30.789 seconds, and the bronze medal went to Gong Li (China) with a time of 1 minute 30.891 seconds.

With these achievements, Park Ji-won has become a prominent figure in Korean mens short track, and anticipation is building for the upcoming World Cup in Korea.

강원닷컴 최형석 시민기자

기사 작성일23-12-11 00:16

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